Saturday, November 10, 2012

Long time coming...

I flew home this weekend. I would describe myself as a practically spontaneous person. If being spontaneous means randomly joining someone's plans, or going to a park because I can, or running out to get a polar pop just because, I'm in. But when it comes to flying most of the way across the country for a weekend, not usually my jam, unless it's planned 3 months in advance and I have at least one day already off.

That said, to buy a ticket less than a week before take off, and fly home right before all hell breaks loose with grad school, isn't something I would normally do. I am so glad I did. I miss home, and my family, and my man, and Washington, and good coffee, and the west coast. It was so refreshing to be able to just rest in the familiar for a few days. Be around people I love and not worry about when my next assignment is due or how I am engaging with my community.

Now, I am back. I pretty much hit the ground running and went non stop this last week. Even now I should be writing the outline of chapter 1 of my thesis, and creating a student development theory matrix, and reading a lot. Instead, I felt like writing a bit. Not exactly procrastination, because I am truly motivated to do this work. Just introspection.

I love so much what I am doing here. Everything I learn is interesting and feels so relevant to what I want to be doing. Yet for the first time in my life I find myself anticipating the end of school. I'm not burnt out, I really feel like I can do this for a long while yet. I am just realizing that, in less than two years, I will be done with school and working in a field I love, living life and serving people. It's so close and so possible. And I love the idea of that.

Rambling a little here, but I have some exciting news! I will be working in Everette, WA over the month of January. As part of my program, I have to spend 60 hours working at a second internship. We don't have classes over January, so I figured I may as well just try and stay in the area (home) a little longer. I will be working at a very small college on their Resident Assistant and Residence Life Manuals. It's a really great opportunity for some Res Life experience, plus I get to be near friends and family for an extra month! Also, for you Bellingham peeps, I will definitely be up in the area at least once if not twice between Christmas and January.

Alright, I will talk more about my thesis and some of the projects I'm working on later this week. For now, back to the grindstone!
