Monday, November 4, 2013


And so I find that I am not a dedicated blogger. No matter how good my intentions, I seem to consistently fail to update this blog. Perhaps I just don't believe that there is value to what I'm saying here. After all...don't we all have five blogs apiece, marking our journey from angsty teen, to philosophical college student, landing on informed, un-presuming adult? Or maybe that's just me. I know I can attest to the fact that I was a very angsty teen, and a very philosophical college student, and all I need to do to prove it is point back to those old blogs.

I read a blog by a friend recently (this morning, in fact) that talked about blogs, and how hers always tended to fall into a ramble or a rant, if there wasn't a focus. So she has started a blog detailing her spiritual journey. I did start this blog with an intention: inform those people from back home about my wanderings into the mid-west and Higher Ed. Yet I don't know that I ever articulated that purpose, so here I am over a year later, with a total of 15 (16 including this one) posts. I don't really believe I have anything profound or important to say. But as this is begun, I may as well keep on, and see what happens. I have no hopes of becoming a famous blogger, merely keeping people in the loop of my life.

So here is my commitment to you faithful readers (if I haven't lost you yet!):
  • I am going to try and write in an 'interesting' way. I am always inspired by the incredible writings of others - they are beautiful, and interesting, and wonderful. I do not pretend to aspire to their levels of expertise (how could I?), but I will commit to trying to make my writing at least moderately absorbing.
  • I will keep you posted on my doings and goings on. Fortunately, I am about to defend my thesis (somewhat interesting, right?), I am going to Wales (that could be good blogging material), and then SE Asia. So, lots of fodder for the imagination there.
  • I will be consistent. At least weekly.
I will now proceed to update you all on my doings. Because that is point two of three, and I will do my best. Lately, I have been processing the balance between marriage and social. Profound, yes? I doubt you are particularly intrigued by my discoveries of married life, but I will fill you in anyway. Many of you who know me may have heard me described as a social butterfly. Two years ago, I would have said absolutely yes, that's me. You're right. I am even a hug slut. Or I was a hug slut. Since moving to Indiana, and especially since being married, I find myself increasingly content with a small social circle. So small as to sometimes be limited just my husband and myself. I do realize that I am in fact still in the honeymoon stage - maybe in another three months I'll be tired of just hanging out with my man. However, in the meantime, I find myself confronted with an identity crisis (maybe crisis is too strong of a word, but dilemma doesn't seem right either). I no longer feel a need to be socially engaged. Oh, I love social interactions. I was at a birthday party on Friday that reminded me how much I enjoy being out and about with people. Yet I am totally content to not go to any parties at all. Maybe I'm just being lazy? It seems easier to stay home with Michael, than to go out?

Like I said, my married discoveries aren't very exciting. Especially on paper. But perhaps you would like to know that as social as I am, as much of an extrovert as I am, I do believe I'm "growing up." Or may be just growing over... Regardless, I am learning things, and I am now sharing them with you, my blog readers (I need a better name for that).

Once again, I feel like I've rambled. But I'll get better, I promise. Thanks for reading. :)
