Thursday, September 6, 2012

learning curve

A few things I have learned in my short time in the midwest:

1. Veggie Straws are a thing. 

Legitimately. They're the healthy chip out here. And they are exactly what they're called. Veggies. In the shape of a straw. In the way that you can blow air through them, and drink through them (haven't actually tried this). The most common variety is the potato, tomato, spinach variety. And, surprisingly, they are GOOD. They also come in GIANT bags. Like, industrial size and then some. So that's great.

2. Starbucks has cornered the market of the midwest.

Not only are they everywhere (a relative term, one or two per town...nothing like home). BUT THERE IS NO ESCAPE. You want coffee? Go to Starbucks. You want to study at a coffee shop? Go to Starbucks. You want some sort of good coffee? Go to Starbucks. There are no alternatives.

3. Spiders.

Bobby the spider has been growing a web right outside our door for...ever. We continually try to break down his defenses and take his life, but we also continually fail. It has gotten to the point where we *almost* feel affection for our little buddy. Almost.

4. Polar Pops are IT.

What is a polar pop you might ask? It's a GIANT soda for a convenient 85 cents at the local Circle K. This is such a big deal, that when the Circle K/Handy Andy's in Upland threatened to close, hundreds, HUNDREDS of Taylor students and Upland people showed up for an epic polar pop run, attempting to show support for local business, but also selfishly desiring to maintain the ability to walk two blocks to get a polar pop, instead of driving four more blocks to get a similarly priced but so not the same soda. Yes, I subscribe to the polar pop fanaticism. Yes, they have Dr. Pepper. Look here for more info on this epic adventure.

5. It DOES rain in Indiana!

They told me there was a drought. I wouldn't believe them except the corn is so short. It's rained here at least once, if not three times a week since I arrived. Either I am that awesome, or Jesus knew I needed the rain. Badly. It has been soo good to absorb the downpours here, and bask in the rain. And thunder. I love it.

I think that's all for now. Although I'm sure there's more I'm missing. At some point I will likely devote an entire post to grocery stores. And not how awesome they are.




  1. Natalie! So good to read what you're up to. I thought of you just this morning as I read about Hurricane Isaac and the relief it brought to some states (including Indiana!)That's all for now :) Much love, LeAnne

  2. LeAnne,

    We have had so much rain! It's wonderful. :)

    Love you.
